20 August 2008

3rd Anniversary

Today is our three year anniversary. Married three years, together for seven, and we're still having a good time.

Grandma Gaub was kind enough to agree to watch the girls (and take our picture) and we had a nice Quiet dinner together. Ahh, the good olde days!

19 August 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandma

A quick "Happy Birthday" to Grandma Gaub who has been staying with us to help us put some order in the chaos that is twins. We had Chinese food and a delicious ice cream cake today in celebration. Yum!

Life is hard

A few days ago, we were trying to get the girls to nap in their crib in the afternoon. They managed to sleep for about an hour before waking up and letting us know they were over it. We all ran in and laughed at them--sometimes it's hard to take them seriously! I love it when Ella (on the right) tried to suck on Nora's arm.

Just another day...

I was sitting on the couch, holding Nora and Ella, and realized how talented I am becoming at balancing both girls on my body at the same time. I asked Grandma Gaub to take a picture as evidence.

18 August 2008

Welcome to the Gaub Blog!

Hello to all who have chosen to join us on our latest adventure--parenthood, etc! For those who havent already, you can follow our journey from the beginning at www.carepages.com and look for the GaubGirls2 page. It chronicals the births, medical trials, tribulations, and triumphs, and the long-time-coming-homecoming. We have included nearly-daily posts and photos. As things have progressed, we wanted to have our own blog to keep family and friends updated on our lives and our babes. Welcome!