25 October 2008

The girls get political

As you probably know, Pennsylvania is a swing state--especially in this upcoming election. What you may not know is that our girls are, in fact, within the target demographic that both of the candidates are currently looking to sway.

I introduce to you, Ella the Plumber and Nora Six-pack:

They will see you at the polls November 4th. Vote!

20 October 2008

Girl Talk

A little tummy time nap--I love how Ella cant go without putting her foot and hand on Nora.

Nora gets intense with an elephant.

Ella...looking cute!

They can't not be touching each other at all times!

I've been trying to get video of the girls talking. It's difficult because they get distracted by the camera and don't say anything. However, this time I got some good stuff. This video is a couple of minutes long and starts with a few coos and laughs. A short time in, Ella drops a bomb. Then Nora, unaware of the camera, gets talking. This inspires Ella to join in. Once the conversation begins to fade, they quickly become camera-shy! Enjoy !!!