16 June 2009

Babies' First Bloomsday

Most know of Andrew's significant interest in all things James Joyce (Nora was named after his wife). Today is "Bloomsday"--June 16th. It is the day all of the action in Joyce's novel Ulysses takes place. It is celebrated in various cities around the world--Philadelphia included. Throughout the day people read passages from the novel in the street in front of the Rosenbach Museum and Library. We took the girls for their first Bloomsday celebration at the Rosenbach.

I know it has been awhile since I've posted a video. So here's a video of the girls playing at their new activity table from G&G Gaub. They are growing so quickly!

1 comment:

bethanybeams said...

Glad to see you're starting the girls on quality literature early! And that everything is going so well for the four of you.