18 September 2009

The Nightman Cometh

Here are some pics and a few videos from last night's live performance of "The Nightman Cometh" from the cast of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". It was awesome. My only complaint is I wish I were closer (we were in the balcony). It was everything we expected and more. For those who have seen the final episode from last season, this was the live version of the entire episode. For those who dont know, "The Troll"/Frank is played by Danny Devito. Everybody knows that guy!
We also got to watch a scene from their upcoming Christmas special and the first episode of the new season. It's about the drinking game "flippy cup", which I just learned of during our last trip to Indiana. In the episode they wear shirts that say "Flipadelphia" and instigate flippy cup rivalries. Enough said.

On to the performance
Charlie's poster. Awesome:The "rehearsal" of the musical:

Dress rehearsal
Nightman and the Troll
Not the best shot, but had to get Nightman/Mac doing his karate moves
Baby Boy becomes Dayman and kills the Troll
Charlie suddenly appears in his bright yellow suit. If you havent seen the episode, I wont ruin it by telling you why:)
I inadvertently put the videos in reverse order. The first is the "Nightman" song, the second is Danny Devito singing about paying the troll toll, and the third is Dee singing about her love for the Baby Boy. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. (By the way, the 4th season DVD has a special feature that includes a live performance much like we saw last night. Sweet.)


Unknown said...

Flippycup must be what we call beer pong in Indiana.
Glas you enjoyed the show.

Unknown said...

no mom those are two different drinking games, i guess we will have to play them :)