We are getting a little tired of the cold weather. Inside a LOT. Lacking in Vitamin D from lack of the sun and its rays. On this day, Ella threw a fit after she asked for yogurt (which she calls "meek" for reasons unknown to us) and I put it in her mouth.

Classic. Good job, Nora.

Nora was in a much better mood than her sister. This day.

Ella had a wet diaper. She had nothing (pants, a booty) to keep it up.

The ladies sitting, eating grapes for a snack.

They started copying each others actions.

Nora, tired, watching tv. She looks a lot like her parents at the end of most days.

This Friday we got to go out. To a real restaurant. With friends.
Without the kids. Amazing.

Yesterday it was chilly but, dang it, we were going to the playground. It was great.

Nora was saying "tickle, tickle, tickle" here, threatening to tickle her Mama. 
Going to church this morning. Neither girl notice she had barrettes in her hair. For awhile.

The girls' friend Aman came over with his parents for a play date. They hadnt seen him since his first birthday party in January. He is 7 months younger, but you wouldnt know it by his size!

Nora gathered up all of the farm animals and placed them next to each other on the table. I asked her if I could take her picture and she grabbed the cow and posed. Diva.

Aman and Nora shared a moment--biting down on the protective cover on the corner of the coffee table.

Aman was very affectionate, frequently trying to hug the girls.

A Mama & Nora moment.

This was the best pic we got of the three of them on the couch. I should have known--getting a picture of two is hard. Three is nearly impossible.