23 May 2010

May Day

One of the girls' favorite past times--sitting in boxes.
Nora was such a big help and assisted Mama in unloading the dishwasher. She is so proud of herself when she can help out Mama and Daddy.

Meanwhile, Ella sat in a box and wondered why it would not "Go!" when she told it to.

Cute little shot. Today, Daddy had the girls build a pillow tower.

Nora's latest thing is to pretend she is sleeping--anywhere. She thinks it is hilarious. Here she "sleeps" on the pillow tower.
Ella tries to wake her. But it doesn't work.
So Ella and Daddy have to tickle her awake!
Then they made a pillow path. The way Ella enunciates made it sounds like a "poo path" (which she then repeated over and over again). That cracked us up.

This afternoon we went to the playground. Yeah!
Nora likes a nice, easy swing.
Ella LOVES the swings. She loves to be pushed fast and high. I think she likes that "stomach flip" feeling.
Daddy leads Nora across the playground
"Mama, why are you taking my picture and not helping me down this slide?!"
They are starting to eat big people food: grilled cheese sandwich, hummus. It's nice. Now if only they could make it themselves...

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