11 September 2010

The cool breeze is coming.

I love the fall. I love the cool winds, wearing sweaters and scarves. It's creeping in and I am ready!

Yesterday the girls and I went for a walk to a nearby fountain. Last year I marveled at the little kids playing nearby who could walk on this ledge without falling off. Alas, my girls are now marvelous...
Ella, intently eating a plastic orange.
Nora--post grocery shopping. We refer to her as the bag lady. She has hoarding tendencies.
I found a couple of these hats in the back of their closet. It seems silly to put a small child in such a hat.
Oh my. This caused quite the meltdown: Nora insisted that I was trying to put Ella's pj's on her. There are two pairs of the same picture, the same size. This is the new thing: insisting one half of an identical pair of somethings is, in fact, "sissy's" when there is no clear difference. Too many meltdown. 2years-old x 2 =4. Much more than the terrible twos.
Ella wouldnt stop sucking her thumb, so I swaddled her. And she let me.
Ahh, the "new" toy. The girls have had this for over a year and had never been able to hammer correctly to make anything happen. Well, now they finally can. Which they are excited about. Until they dont want to take turns anymore and fight over the hammer. Of course.

Here are a couple of pics that represent what I like to call "Hot Mess Nora".

Waking up from a nap.
Ella, "eating coffee".

1 comment:


Love the swaddle idea!! Maybe I should try that on Mercedes!