05 April 2011

This week in Photos

They got into my lipstick.
Nora asked if she could "do lips", which typically means she gets some chapstick and puts it on her lips. I was in the study for a couple minutes and Nora walked in looking like this. I walked into the bedroom and saw Ella had done it as well--in addition to decorating the dresser.
Sunday we went to the art museum again.
(a woman walked up and asked me if I'd given the girls some crayons, resulting in the art seen here...)
Family activity: based on a current artistic fashion exhibit going on at the museum, they provided materials for kids to make their own fashionable creations.
Here Nora sits with our friend, Hannah, who came with us. Nora was more into trying to cut paper.
Another young child spilled a whole tub of feathers and fuzzy balls at the craft table. Ella spent most of the time picking things off of the floor.
The adults put forth just enough effort to make a...unique statement. We chose to not bring it home with us.
We then walked behind the museum along the river. It was a beautiful day, but very windy.

Yesterday was sunny and warm. So we went for a walk to the playground.

1 comment:

Jackie Penny said...

I love love love this post; the pictures are delectable.