08 February 2010

Not so Super Bowl

So I had a couple of photos of us during the Superbowl (in our Colts shirts, of course) but the site is acting up and wont let me upload them. SO, I thought I'd start with a couple of cute flashback photos, followed by some recent ones!
(One year ago)
This week: Ella sleeping. So cute.
Nora cuddled up on the couch
Daddy reading a book before bed
Mama and Nora playing around (snow day)
The girls watching one of their videos.
Nora being silly. She was aware I was taking her photo here:
Nora trying to take her shirt off by herself.
It snowed big time this weekend--28 inches. As it was falling--a little after midnight--Andrew and I decided we should go out and play in it while the girls were asleep (hence the very tired look on my face!).

This was only a few hours after it started snowing. It snowed heavily for another 14 hours!

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