02 April 2010

The Girls Run Track

So, Ella has not been sleeping so well lately. She is a bundle of energy all the time, especially before bed. Since the weather has been SO nice this week (70's and very sunny!) I figured it was a shame not to be outside. But taking walks wears ME out because the girls are either in the stroller or wagon. The nearest park is a good hike and even tehn it's hard for me to rangle two little ones. So I decided to try the local high school track and football field. It's only two blocks away and fenced in!. It turned out to be a marvelous find. The track was recently re-done and the football field is now a nice, soft AstroTurf, which is excellent for toddler feet to run on. We have gone there the past two days and both night have been nice and quiet!
Here are some pics from today's adventure (I thought to bring some balls to play with today!)

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