01 April 2010

A SPRING in our Steps!

It's getting warmer!!

Is it time for bed yet? Nora has been doing that toddler thing--insisting to do things herself. that means putting on her pants herself. On this evening she left them just over her feet and insisted on walking around the room like that. Ella was just hanging out with Night Night Man, of course.

I've been trying to put their hair up when they allow me. Ella only has enough hair in the very, curly back. Here's her little pony tail!
Nora has a bit more and looks adorable with pig tails. But she's not very fond of me playing with her hair, so it doesnt usually last long.

I had to put my hair in pigtails to try and convince Nora it was going to be okay.
Last week, during a sunny day, the girls and I went to the park with Andrea and Savannah.

The girls liked to run up and down the big hill at the park. They slept well that night!
On our way back from the park, Nora found a big stick and turned it into a walking stick!

Nora's almost too big for their car!
Look! It fits! Cool...

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