23 February 2011

A Day at the Museum

This weekend we decided to finally renew our Philadelphia Museum of Art membership, now that the girls are old enough to understand what they are seeing to some degree, as well as cooperate...to some degree.

They were very excited to go (even though they were not sure, exactly, what they were in for) and when we walked into the first gallery they were so quiet and focused.

One of the first things we saw was Degas' "Little Dancer" statue--one of my favorites. The girls were very interested in it.
Of course, as soon as we got there we got several people standing in front of the statue, looking at the girls, asking questions about them so that the girls could not look at the statue. Guess they assumed the girls were more interested in answering the same old twins questions rather than looking at beautiful art. Eventually we were left to explore--alone!

Here is a picture of Nora showing off her visitor badge. So proud.
The girls are always obsessed with water and fountains and this fountain was no exception. They had no interest in the Monet or the Van Gogh. They wanted to throw pennies!

In the modern art wing...
On weekends the museum has family activities. This weekend was a drawing activity. Children are given paper and colored pencils to try and recreate some of the art in the galleries. Or just scribble, of course.

Notice a difference?

One last shot--at the CA Book Fair.

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