27 February 2011

DIY tv stand

Since moving into our new place, I've been inspired to add some creativity to our decor. The living room is nice, but quite boring. There isnt much in it and not much room for "extras" so I wanted to add more character to what little bit we have in there. We dont like big, in-your-face entertainment centers, so we've always had a simple tv stand. I looked into buying a new one, but I was dissuaded by the prices. So I decided to see what I could do with some paint and a few accessories. It was easier than I thought! I was able to get it done during the time the girls took a nap (and that included a trip to Home Depot). I'm pretty sure I'll be DIY-ing more often now.


1 comment:

ketz said...

Great job. I think this is also the same as my grand mother's cabinet. The only difference is the color.

Corner TV Stands Online